Friday, January 22, 2010

Thought for this year

The Greatest Handicap : Fear
最大的阻碍 : 害怕

The Best Day : Today
最好的一天 : 今天

Easiest Thing To Do : Find A Fault
最容易做的事情 : 找出一个错误

The Greatest Mistake : Giving Up
最大的错误 : 放弃

Greastest Stumbing Block : Egoism
最大的绊脚石 : 自我中心

The Greatest Comfort : Work Done Well
最大的信心 : 工作完美完成

Most Disagreeable Person : The Complainer
最不好相处的人 : 投诉者

Worst Bankruptcy : Lost of Enthusiasm
最糟的缺乏 : 热心的流失

Greatest Need : Common Sense
最大的需要 : 基本常识

Meanest Felling : Regret at another's success
最有意思的感觉 : 在一件成功的事上感到遗憾

Best Gift : Forgiveness
最好的礼物 : 宽恕

The Greatest Moment : Death
最好的时刻 : 死亡

Greatest knowledge : God
最好的知识 : 神

The Greatest Thing in the World : Love
世界上最好的东西 : 爱

= End =


Monday, January 18, 2010

What's Friend Be

Set Up A Friendship is just like Embeb A Tree...

T : Trust ( 信任 )
R : Respect ( 尊重 )
E : Exchange ( 交流 )
E : Emotional Support ( 精神支持 )

Best Friend is......

♣ Accompany you pass through any trouble , be the source of support forever ;
× 无形中伴你走过风雨,永远支持你的力量;

♣A niceness sense which is anarchic ;
× 一种无法言喻的美好感觉;

♣ The one who always protect you infront of others
× 在别人面前永远护着你的那一个人;

♣ The one who you like to share out all yours matter ;
× 即使一点小感动,一点小事情都想一起分享的那个人;

♣ The one who uprear your shoulder , when you are be faced with sadness ;
× 当你抱头痛哭的时候,扶着你肩膀的那个人;

♣ The one who hold your hands tigh , when you are be faced with any frustration ;
× 当你面对挫折的时候,一直紧握你的那双手。

The Value of Friends

♣ Wish to taste about the value of " A Year " , you can ask a student who failed and just take the retest ;
× 想要体会“一年”有多少价值 , 你可以去问一个落选后刚重考的学生 ;

♣ Wish to taste about the value of " A Month " , you can ask a unlucky mother who borned her child earlier ;
× 想要体会“一个月”有多少价值 , 你可以去问一个不幸早产的母亲 ;

♣ Wish to taste about the value of " A Week " , you can ask a periodic staffer ;
× 想要体会“一周”有多少价值 , 你可以去问一个定期周刊的编辑 ;

♣ Wish to taste about the value of " An Hour " , you can ask a lover who going to dating with his/her love ;
× 想要体会“一小时”有多少价值 , 你可以去问一个等待相聚的恋人 ;

♣ Wish to taste about the value of " A Minute " , you can ask a man who just miss the train ;
× 想要体会“一分钟”有多少价值 , 你可以去问一个错过火车的人 ;

♣ Wish to taste about the value of " A Second " , you can ask the favorite who just escape from crisis ;
× 想要体会“一秒钟”有多少价值 , 你可以去问一个刚从死里逃生的幸运儿 ;

♣ Wish to taste about the value of " A Millisecond " , you can ask the athlete who just miss his gold .
× 想要体会“一毫秒”有多少价值 , 你可以去问一个错失金牌的运动员 。

To : My Friends , Everyone...

I hope we are always like a Tree......

Always be together......
No matter how far you are......
No matter how far you live......
Best Friends always there to be with you in anytime , anywhere......

Love You Guys~!!!

From : Cay

Monday, January 04, 2010

Dear Sister 24th Birthday

she sent me to work and then only we met at night 8 pm ++
cause got work ma...

then when she back .....
she said..
" sanjie (三姐) I din't eat even a piece of cake..."
I was thinking :
my sister(2nd) has bought a cake back for her celebration

according to out planing ( last minute plan )
we will give her a surprice...
she saw the cake...
Swt + ing
Planing falied...

then ......

what's more~
celebrate for her lar~

then eat cake lor....
Starberry cake ~
LOve + ing

=The End=

bubye ❤

4 Jan 2010

first day of my job - kindergarten's teacher.....
teach Maths for K1 and K2
having 17 "babies" to take care who were K1's student
8-6 am

I reach there at 7:36 am
I was moldy around 30 minutes.... LOL....
then only they tell me that I'm in-charge at another side...
my "babies" all at there....
Well...actually another side
is just between a road... WEeee....

17 "babies":
- 9 boys
- 8 girls

Full day's "babies"
- 7 boys
- 4 girls

Half day's "babies"
- 2 boys
- 4 girls

16 Chinese 1 India....
Thanks God he knows Chinese....
if not "mati" lo me~
but students are brace to speaking
so I have to suit it soon as possible

say from the deep of heart lar....
they are cute..
and I LOve them...
so hope I can do as well as I can lar

bubye ❤

Saturday, January 02, 2010

126th Lonesome

To : Big Pig Wils. (old fellow-20)

2 Jan 2010
around 11 pm ++
I Miss You again...
Miss you this pig fellow
is 126th day of you left M'sia

Miss here ???
Miss Me??
** hahaa... XD

but I miss you.... WEeee.....
How are you there....
so long din't contact with you
hope you are fine there....
* from Ying & Me ( cause I just chat with her )

Tell you...
Your Friend - Wayne Lee !!
nope nope
is not Wayne Lee
is .....

Pig + Sotong + Kazua + Sikazua + lao gina +..... (forget jor...) Wayne
** sure You (Wayne) very "geksi" when you saw this
blek =P

Lol.... I've no idea with him....
but he is quite good la...
but 38 too......

put him a side... hahaa

the point is ...
I Miss You
We Miss YOu~~~

when you gona recharge???
MIss MisS MiSs YOu .....

faster recharge ya....
all the way good luck for you
MuakzZzzz ❤
126th MiSs

tatazz ❤

From : Fren Cay.

2 Jan 2010

nothing special...
until the evening went to grandma's house for dinner
then have youth club's 2010 meeting at church...

our personnel's table had comes out
here is it

Chairman : David Mah Yong Xin (17)
Assistant : Chan Guo Xuan (16)

Archive : Joycelyn Koay Ween Yun (18)

Steward : Cayley Chan Yingyi (18)
Assistant : Samuel Loh (13)

Games : Yeap Shi Quan (17)
Assistant : Su Yu Heng (13) * I'm not sure about his english name

Music : Chan Ying Huan (18) & Loke Yi Ren (16)

Hope everything will be fine in this year
and God bless us all

we plan our gathering from January until June
then we end this meeting around 10:30 pm
and went home....

so that I'm writing this blog now...


bubye ❤

❤ 1 Jan 2010

first day of new year....
morning 2:30 am...
we finished clean all thing
and start play cards
until 5 am then only we back to "bed"

is a "Go0d" memory for me
cause is the first time..
I played cards until I broke my finger's nail...
IS ABOUT 1cm LONG ....!!!

PAIN + ING !!!!!
but just a while lar~

then we went into "bed"
** no bed for us at there...
so all sleep floor....
is cold.... [>_<]

then morning we have "dim sum" for breakfast...
all sleepy face..
then I went to my aunt's mother's funeral...
is the day of my aunt's birthday
don't know wherther we should happy or sad...
But is truth to say......
" Life goes when is old"

Everyone will go somedays....
just don't know when is it....

Back from funeral....
first thing in my mind.....

MAn... is tired....
I have my nap from 1:30 pm - 5 pm
** such a pig I am

went to AutoCity....
for my cousin's singing competition....
quite teeming there....
and I had my dinner in SushiKing~
Wee.....!!! Yummy~!!!

then back home around 11:45 pm...
and continue my beauty sleep..

bubye ❤

❤ 31 Dec 2009

The last day of 2009

I've been at church the whole night
until the first day of new year

we stay at church
and have BBQ + count down
is a bit " Stim"
but is good while being with church's sister & brother
its felt warm
Here's our youth club family's photo
* XP hahaa...

Cayley , JoycelynKoay(WeenYun) , GuoXuan , DavidMah(YongXin) , DavidYew(WeiPheng) , YingQi , YingHuan , Junxi , Joe(Jo Wee) , WeenPei , WeenWu , SongWei , ShiHorng , ShiQuan , Samuel , YuHeng , YiRen , ZhenYi.....

* there is more but I only have 18 chicken wing... hehee

here's our supper....

fat Fat FAt ...... T^T

But Yummy~~~ X] ❤❤❤❤❤

and then...

we stay at church until new year....

bubye ❤